Sometimes you need to rotate an image to make it look perfect.

To mirror an element:

  1. Choose the element on the canvas.
  2. Click on the Flip vertically 1 or Flip horizontally 2 buttons in the Style panel. You can combine vertical and horizontal mirroring.
  3. The element will be mirrored vertically or horizontally.

Blank_9_14_2022_18-10_duplicate_1974x1760 Custom banner (1).png

To rotate an element:

  1. Choose the element on the canvas.
  2. Click on the Rotate button 3 in the Style panel. The element will rotate 90° clockwise with each click. Or add your own value to the form.

Blank_9_14_2022_18-10_duplicate_1974x1760 Custom banner.png

You can undo the mirroring or rotate by clicking the Undo button.